! Ometeto YUI
I guess she got it; not solely because of her look but also her talent as a singer-song writer! with her heart-felt songs; simply irresistible!
Takre care
桜 & 恋
YUI has work really hard to be where she is right now, frm a no-body back at 2006 when i first know this artiste. .
Anyway last week met up with sec-kakis to makan over @ Chomp chomp! Everyone was busy eating; that I just simply snap on the food we’d and the aftermath! Ahahah
e jumbo sugar cane i pre-ordered w/o their knowing (all were like complaining so much la, but in e end also finished! ZZZ)

The area around there is pretty serene, the lighting; atmosphere is really a good place for a date! =]
the spread

aftermath! look@ the mess!

Just todae met up with Mel and Cal over for lunch at Fish & co. after which head back to Rob CP, to meet up with those colleagues/friends I used to see every day back when I was a promoter there! All (except those new staff) still recognize me after like 4months **so swt**, but some took awhile.
I was browsing through some items when this auntie-promoter (whom I knew) came asking
“We having 20% now, can I help you?”
“Do you still remember me?” I replied
“We having 20% now, can I help you?” she repeated
“You really don’t know me ar?’
It was then she finally “AHaaha, you are that boy ar!” (took her awhile, LOL!!)
I bought some tofu-éclair for them; some took, some ps. Then there is this new staff over there, really cute one. My initial plan was to purposely left some over and pass it to her, but some auntie-promoter whom I don’t intended to give anyway very zi-tong go take then in the end don’t have lioa! So my plan buong lioa. . .@__@
introducing this musician, Richard Clayderman performing Mariage d'Amour, accompanied by xylophone! very bright yet light-heartening!
my sis intro this piece (piano-version) to me one,like so profound then me! lOL!!
oh yea forgot to mention that i got to drive the Bionix AFV (amour fighting vehicle) [size of a tank]!!!
YESH i drove this jumbo-daddy!

so fun la, like how many people got to drive that big daddy! i must say driving it is like a jumbo go-cart except that it comes with a gear and is definitely easier to drive then a car cux you get to drive it when you just learned it! LOL, i was scolded for speeding too =/ @__@. .
having said that, e worst part is post-driving, when all the maintenance comes in, the grease (texture of butter except that its black in color, you had to use your bare hand to smear the parts with that! tough luck!)had e luxuries to drive it but had the responsibility to do the most-tedious maintenance in SAF, suck thumb lor, wat to do, can easily down-pes with my conditions 9injuries and all those, but shan't, less i really cant take it, cux the real training yet to come. .. )
aiyo, my physical fitness also drop like mad (alot ppl said i became fatter lioa), so many weeks since my last physical training cux learning to drive ma + the signal set thingy, lecture and lecture so drop from sliver to a FAILED in e recent IPPT,zzzzz, i cant jump my SBJ lioa, zzzzz. mux otot...