A sudden urge to pen down/type down something, and the first thing- Blogging! “It’s time to blog dude”, I thought.
So much to say, I shall just start off with post- Taiwan Ex (cu x I need those photos to freshen my memory for those days spend there, in order to blurt them all-out; and those photos happened to be in this particular memory card which is not with me right now).{geez, i still own them those photos till now) . . . right, getting lengthy already? Shall start with month of April =]
First outing was with Clavin & Mel when Cal had this sudden craved for potato croquette in this Jap restaurant located in some corner of Taka. . . That wasn’t the first time we were there. Too bad the 2nd visit wasn’t as good as the first time, just barely ok i guess, =] and my sis tag along too, cux she’s too board @ hm i guess. . . We’d shared this platter and a snap shot, cheese! =]

The spread

shop @ Kino and bought this book ‘The memory keeper ‘s child” (which i’m still reading, ahhaa). Then is my time with sis leaving the rest (OPS!!), bring her walk all the way to Clark quay from orchard rd ( cuz i thought a long quiet nice stroll, talking with someone close, is pretty heart-felt and sweet, **if the weather isn’t humid and made u sweat like pig** =]) wanted to continue to walk to Esplanade but she’s too tired for that, so hm swt hm. . .=]
Meet up with Ricky, Bush Bush, Jenny& John for this movie starring Jackie Chan, some shijiku incident, i think (after Sentosa with swt cousins). . .Movie, chill @ coffee bean or star bucks, eat the “Sun-Biscuit” from Taiwan. .i was a bit moody that day (sorry). . . then hm swt hm
Then I decide to meet up with the so-long haven met-up girl-nxt-door. . . to pass her, her long time fav hello kitty gift from Taiwan that she’d wanted, =] We went to this French influenced Jap restaurant- Ma Mason (after some research) in the corner of Central @ Clark Quay! (Its really hiding in the corner of some place, which I’d tried to recce the day before and still took some time to locate it on the day itself, DOTS X_X). . .

The place is darn ambient can?! 4/5! Food, Order this Posrk Tonkatsu (if i remembered correctly), in which you it in 3 different ways-
-With their special sauce
-with sea salt


Of which i tried adding cheese, pepper, and stuff too. . . Is fun eating it!!! HAhHAA 3.8/5!!
Nice candle =]

walk to esplandade )recced too on day b4(
There were 3 ang-mo ladies offered to help us snapped some pictures, when they see us habing some difficulties finding places to put down our camera and rush back to post when the cam-timer runs (hahaha) and so nice of them! We should learn this man, not as a form of flirt but for being nice!=} and of course i return the favour by snapping for them too! Should had snap with them too @_@
too much flashes?

(im nt shorter, cux i squad dwn a litttle , haha)
, and Hm swt hm (respectively)
And then hang out with my close frens from Kawaii Tokyo @ Timbre!!! Nice pizza, nice finger food, fantastic band, cool ambience, and of course nice drinks!! How many “nices”? haha !!
cheese every1

The thin crust pizza!!!combi, roast duck with some triple mushroom one (ahem xiao wei, the mushroom one, all taste the same la!!! @__@)

The sista!!

what is Timbre w/o our drinks (i"D this purple mix-indigo followed by tear drop)

Tired/plus bro wan use com
With that
Takre care
桜 & 恋
awaits MAY!!! A birthdae MTH!!!
A shoulder to cry on by tommy page
Shoulder To Cry On - Tommy PageFANTASTIC SONG!!!
Labels: fun, memories, sad, sweet