didnt had time to rest
I can’t imagine how I managed to drag my whole body all the way to Holland V. and catch up with poly pals on the day after my POP. I was early; not expected of me, didn’t intend to be early in the first place, perhaps the sense of urgency that army had thought me was subconsciously imbue in my system. In fact this few days I been waking up exactly after 6hrs of sleep; with my pillow/boaster/blanket all laying around the floor (had I gotten use to the BMTC bed?)
Anyway. .. at the café (essential café @ Holland V.). . . of course being among the first to taste army’s life, I’d shared a few pointers with them, people to look up for, materials needed and some of my army’s stories, etc. it’s always a joy sharing, hahaha I don’t know why. . .
Ahooo.. I had this sumptuous, humongous served of salmon! Being an army guy, I simply wobble the fleshy pink meat instead of savoring the dissolved meat in my mouth. . What a waste!!! Well ultimately the food still gets in and out, yea?

zw had his serve of some prawn spaghetti alio olio style

ruben has his some rotti beef or stm

jere with his ribeye

Grp photo!

The ambience was good, with no glaring lighting, very calm and warm, the only thing I don get it was one suppose to take off their shoe and sit on this cushion (think Japanese’s style, when no Jap food was served) @_@
Aiyo should have taken individual photo of each holding presenting the food instead on the food itself, zzzz.. ..
Today woke up and met up with rubeeen & shuan for a swim. I got so darn excited when I set foot into the pool, and was happily swimming right after that, I just miss swimming soooooooo much, and just when I got warm up, it rain! IT RAIN FOR GOODNESS SAKE>>>>> zzzzz. So we just literally stone there and wait and wait… before we call it a day and had game of Majong @ rubeen’s house with Long. joining in . I was a total retard in game of mj, all were like starring at me when I keep stoning there thinking of which tile to discard and stuff @__@ after which game of blackjack; gambling before new year zzzz
I so don’t care that tomorrow I so gonna had my darn swim in the morning, cux I bu kan yen. . . lol
Takre care
桜 & 恋
Anyway. .. at the café (essential café @ Holland V.). . . of course being among the first to taste army’s life, I’d shared a few pointers with them, people to look up for, materials needed and some of my army’s stories, etc. it’s always a joy sharing, hahaha I don’t know why. . .
Ahooo.. I had this sumptuous, humongous served of salmon! Being an army guy, I simply wobble the fleshy pink meat instead of savoring the dissolved meat in my mouth. . What a waste!!! Well ultimately the food still gets in and out, yea?

zw had his serve of some prawn spaghetti alio olio style

ruben has his some rotti beef or stm

jere with his ribeye

Grp photo!

The ambience was good, with no glaring lighting, very calm and warm, the only thing I don get it was one suppose to take off their shoe and sit on this cushion (think Japanese’s style, when no Jap food was served) @_@
Aiyo should have taken individual photo of each holding presenting the food instead on the food itself, zzzz.. ..
Today woke up and met up with rubeeen & shuan for a swim. I got so darn excited when I set foot into the pool, and was happily swimming right after that, I just miss swimming soooooooo much, and just when I got warm up, it rain! IT RAIN FOR GOODNESS SAKE>>>>> zzzzz. So we just literally stone there and wait and wait… before we call it a day and had game of Majong @ rubeen’s house with Long. joining in . I was a total retard in game of mj, all were like starring at me when I keep stoning there thinking of which tile to discard and stuff @__@ after which game of blackjack; gambling before new year zzzz
I so don’t care that tomorrow I so gonna had my darn swim in the morning, cux I bu kan yen. . . lol
Takre care
桜 & 恋
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