Exactly 1 week had passed since POP. Last week had been pretty happening; catching up with friends and stuff but things get REAL lazy this week. I practically just slacked at home other than some swim and some stretching exercise to improve my core muscle (which I doubt I will religiously do it every day).
Use the Com la? Naa, my bro had been using it for his project; even if I got to use it also like nothing to do, can’t play my usual DOTA due to some errors, play brainless games on mini clip made me goes bonkers. I even dragged out my Chem./ A.maths 10 yrs series to do while blasting YUI songs, in between toddle on paper, read magazines before napping through half of the afternoon and woke up in the evening. Night time will be singing with my sis (well that happen yesterday).
Well, I figured out that 1 thing that army never failed to teach; that is to treasure love ones around you. I really learned this during my confinement period. Yes I was having ‘fun’ during confinement period; I was playing basketball, watching TV, ping pong, pool and stuff, of course there are some minor chores to deal with, but when night falls - the longing for family just came like it. I remember tossing round the bed weeping, faces of my family just kept flashing within me. I tell you, it’s hard to sleep through that night when you looking forward to go home and SUDDENLY realize that you had been confined. Sadly, when I booked up, it’s just like another day, family like family. Yea I took things for granted, take away from me, I long for it, but with it is just like that lor. . . something that Mel had being drilling in me, but I just can’t seems to learn. Perhaps it’s not that I don’t treasure, it’s just that I don’t know how to show or simply too proud to show.
Another thing I learned is that: People remembered 1 good thing you did for 1 day but remembered 1 bad thing you did for life? 1 little bad thing is nuff to nullify 1 good thing 1 achieved. For some reasons, people pay more attention on the bad things you ‘d done. Then there those broadcaster who will keep recycling and broadcast those bad things that one had done, man those people are darn irritating la! Zzz.
Next time I will focus more on not doing the ‘bad’ thing then doing the ‘good’ things; so don’t do ‘bad’ thing and neglect ‘good’ things can liao? But not doing the ‘good’ thing is a ‘bad’ thing itsef
Takre care
桜 & 恋
overheard this song mirae by Kiroro and felt in love with it immediately! one of those classic hit; some may by now catch it, there this Chinese singer (刘若英) sang a cover for it as 后来
my left knee cap had been bugging me since last week, there this stinging effect, hopefully is not some cartilage/tendon broken or the sought! hopefully it recover before my next book in, I pray to Lord, Amen
3 hrs later
Just finished my swim hours ago! Endurance, stamina had improved but my sudden rapid burst wasn’t there anymore. @__@ hopefully the swim does aid in my left knee cap injury! I’d been wearing this short-like swimming trunk since I started to swim laps, so time passed left this tan-line on my butt. Over the years, the trunk lost its elasticity making it kinda flabby and loose, some opening end but managed to sew it back, color faded but I still persist to wear it till today. I wore this triangular one given by SAF (I just dislike this kind of trunk but still wear it in e end). Guess what, the triangular trunk didn’t totally cover the tan-line left behind by the previous trunk, so there 2 rectangular fairer skin revealing on my thigh, which look darn weird la, guess need more swim for them to be darken! LOL. . . anyway there isn’t many people here in Kallang swimming complex @___@
Use the Com la? Naa, my bro had been using it for his project; even if I got to use it also like nothing to do, can’t play my usual DOTA due to some errors, play brainless games on mini clip made me goes bonkers. I even dragged out my Chem./ A.maths 10 yrs series to do while blasting YUI songs, in between toddle on paper, read magazines before napping through half of the afternoon and woke up in the evening. Night time will be singing with my sis (well that happen yesterday).
Well, I figured out that 1 thing that army never failed to teach; that is to treasure love ones around you. I really learned this during my confinement period. Yes I was having ‘fun’ during confinement period; I was playing basketball, watching TV, ping pong, pool and stuff, of course there are some minor chores to deal with, but when night falls - the longing for family just came like it. I remember tossing round the bed weeping, faces of my family just kept flashing within me. I tell you, it’s hard to sleep through that night when you looking forward to go home and SUDDENLY realize that you had been confined. Sadly, when I booked up, it’s just like another day, family like family. Yea I took things for granted, take away from me, I long for it, but with it is just like that lor. . . something that Mel had being drilling in me, but I just can’t seems to learn. Perhaps it’s not that I don’t treasure, it’s just that I don’t know how to show or simply too proud to show.
Another thing I learned is that: People remembered 1 good thing you did for 1 day but remembered 1 bad thing you did for life? 1 little bad thing is nuff to nullify 1 good thing 1 achieved. For some reasons, people pay more attention on the bad things you ‘d done. Then there those broadcaster who will keep recycling and broadcast those bad things that one had done, man those people are darn irritating la! Zzz.
Next time I will focus more on not doing the ‘bad’ thing then doing the ‘good’ things; so don’t do ‘bad’ thing and neglect ‘good’ things can liao? But not doing the ‘good’ thing is a ‘bad’ thing itsef
Takre care
桜 & 恋
overheard this song mirae by Kiroro and felt in love with it immediately! one of those classic hit; some may by now catch it, there this Chinese singer (刘若英) sang a cover for it as 后来
my left knee cap had been bugging me since last week, there this stinging effect, hopefully is not some cartilage/tendon broken or the sought! hopefully it recover before my next book in, I pray to Lord, Amen
3 hrs later
Just finished my swim hours ago! Endurance, stamina had improved but my sudden rapid burst wasn’t there anymore. @__@ hopefully the swim does aid in my left knee cap injury! I’d been wearing this short-like swimming trunk since I started to swim laps, so time passed left this tan-line on my butt. Over the years, the trunk lost its elasticity making it kinda flabby and loose, some opening end but managed to sew it back, color faded but I still persist to wear it till today. I wore this triangular one given by SAF (I just dislike this kind of trunk but still wear it in e end). Guess what, the triangular trunk didn’t totally cover the tan-line left behind by the previous trunk, so there 2 rectangular fairer skin revealing on my thigh, which look darn weird la, guess need more swim for them to be darken! LOL. . . anyway there isn’t many people here in Kallang swimming complex @___@
You gotta give yourself a break too, kai-kun... a breather before embarking on the next challenge =O
And yes, you're as sensitive and reciprocal as a brick wall as always, kai-kun... No one will be there forever, kaijie... I would have expected you to have felt what it was like to have a gaping hole in your life, an overwhelming sense of loss... But I guess... Perhaps it was also that that made you become like this, i guess... That was the way of handling loss you chose back then when you lost the two people who were so important to you...
Watch yourself, kai-kun... Don't get injured for life...
lol that must've been quite a sight... And you must be really shy not to like the triangular trunks... lol
Anonymous, At
8:32 PM
'as sensitive and reciprocal as a brick wall as always' , yea always at the extreme end one me, ahhaha, haphazard, random ~
kai/kaispiral, At
8:51 AM
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