As usual was doing some stretching exercise in house before the jog, when I felt a sudden giddiness. I thought was it me, or the surrounding? Thereafter, I saw the lamp shaking so yea, earthquake hit somewhere nearby. The next thing I knew was my ah ma mumbling some sutra praying for safety, I knew its kinda lame in my mind, but I knew she meant well for the family in my heart, =]
The shock lasted a few seconds before it ceased and come to think of it, this was like the 3rd time I experience quake in-house. . .
Oh yea, so after the stretching, went down for my jog, where I saw throngs of crowds gathering here and there. Some with their hand phone, sharing the ‘news’, some talking loudly as if no one knew what happened; just a lame commotion in short. I mean, you ran all the way down is because of the quake, thinking that building will collapse or what not, then what the point of gathering directly under a potential clashing down of bricks? @___@ just don’t understand, it just seems that everyone wanted to be part of the commotion.
In the midst of this commotion, there this guy jogging, there no doubt some people may think ‘does this guy actually know what happened?’ I know but life just don’t hiccup there just because of that, or perhaps the fact that I’m in Singapore that I don’t know the onslaught of those nature forces~
What happen to the moon; haven’t seen it as it usual spot for like 1 week +++ weird. . .
Buzz off
The fact that I’m so fickle and fall into infatuation so easily is because I’m not yet stabilized, and I wouldn’t want that as yet or rather not worthy to be one yet! @__@ zzzz
The shock lasted a few seconds before it ceased and come to think of it, this was like the 3rd time I experience quake in-house. . .
Oh yea, so after the stretching, went down for my jog, where I saw throngs of crowds gathering here and there. Some with their hand phone, sharing the ‘news’, some talking loudly as if no one knew what happened; just a lame commotion in short. I mean, you ran all the way down is because of the quake, thinking that building will collapse or what not, then what the point of gathering directly under a potential clashing down of bricks? @___@ just don’t understand, it just seems that everyone wanted to be part of the commotion.
In the midst of this commotion, there this guy jogging, there no doubt some people may think ‘does this guy actually know what happened?’ I know but life just don’t hiccup there just because of that, or perhaps the fact that I’m in Singapore that I don’t know the onslaught of those nature forces~
What happen to the moon; haven’t seen it as it usual spot for like 1 week +++ weird. . .
Buzz off
The fact that I’m so fickle and fall into infatuation so easily is because I’m not yet stabilized, and I wouldn’t want that as yet or rather not worthy to be one yet! @__@ zzzz
dnt u knw tat full moon occurs once d 15th of d lunar mth... ysday was 1st of d 8th lunar mth after all gd bros returned camp mah! 2weeks later 15th of 8th mth - mid autumn - d most beautiful full moon of the year!
Anonymous, At
10:39 PM
The young generation tend to be out of sync with the old generation... and this is quite a simple example of it... lol And fear and panic are very prevalent driving forces for people... They get lost in it, and eventually become a part of it...
And damn... i knew you were jogging today... since i tried to catch you yesterday and even waited for quite a bit... i knew it and i should have... damnit...
Anonymous, At
12:28 AM
was referring to generally where the moon, nt where the full moon. . . i havn seen see a moon since last week, perhaps or cloud or haze or waht not
O_O lost in it then beamce part of it. .. . as usual with thse profound thingy
kai/kaispiral, At
9:54 PM
fully shadowed la.. go 1 cycle mthly...
Anonymous, At
10:50 PM
is call new moon! where d moon is line up btw earth n d sun - we c d moon tat is nt lit up by d sun, i.e. we c no moon at all...
i learn smthg else - i tot i knw but actually i smknw dnt knw :/
Anonymous, At
11:08 PM
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