Now with retainer on, is darn man-fan la, which I’d to take off whenever I need to mankan. Always had to head in to toilet to take it off b4/after eating till I master the art of removing/putting on without aid of mirror! Ahaha. My speech got muffled too with it on, zzzz!
Worst, in amour, my hand will be greasy most of the time, and I had to dump the whole hand in, ZZZZ, outfield how? @__@
aiyo YO


Takre care
桜 & 恋
another of my fav Disney theme- Whole new world from Aladin
A whole new world - P.Bryson/Reginabell
guess i gonna buy Disney soundtracks real soon!!! really in love with th3m =]
Worst, in amour, my hand will be greasy most of the time, and I had to dump the whole hand in, ZZZZ, outfield how? @__@
aiyo YO


Takre care
桜 & 恋
another of my fav Disney theme- Whole new world from Aladin
A whole new world - P.Bryson/Reginabell
guess i gonna buy Disney soundtracks real soon!!! really in love with th3m =]
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