F@#$#@%k! Since BMTC I had spend >90% of my pay!!! I didn’t splurge on clothes, shoes, bags but I did spend tons on FOOD, with supplements follow thereafter (roughly 100/mth), Supplements? Yes had been spending on ‘joint’ food from glucosamine to shark cartilage to fish oil, but it still didn’t seems to help much, @__@. The training at ATI just worsen the condition, jumping down from tank every now and then, circuit training and stuff .. .
So instead I decided to pay a visit tomorrow at Changi Hospital to have them examine, haiz. . ..
Anyway, I decided to control my spending by first: stop taking taxi back home from camp. . .
Takre care
桜 & 恋
caching 'BOLT' later; cant wait to see that half-retard flurry ball hamham-RIHNO!!!

--- the term 'FUCK' was nvr once in my verbal vocabulary till i landed myself in NS...i even curse and swear in cubical when the urge of releasing the bowel just went off like that. . . but of course i will limit the usage once out of camp, cux it just so not me! =/
So instead I decided to pay a visit tomorrow at Changi Hospital to have them examine, haiz. . ..
Anyway, I decided to control my spending by first: stop taking taxi back home from camp. . .
Takre care
桜 & 恋
caching 'BOLT' later; cant wait to see that half-retard flurry ball hamham-RIHNO!!!

--- the term 'FUCK' was nvr once in my verbal vocabulary till i landed myself in NS...i even curse and swear in cubical when the urge of releasing the bowel just went off like that. . . but of course i will limit the usage once out of camp, cux it just so not me! =/
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