1930-19_ _ promise
he knew he reaching e end of his timeline soon
steps in front of him are limited
he tried walking backward every morning
so that he may stay here on mother earth a little longer
just a little longer(11 fed)
however that day came, he was laying on e tattered bed
barely able to open his eyes
arms, legs of his wont as light as before
he was bedridden...
his wife was there with him, accompany him for his last moment of life
they were having their last dinner
'what is your last wish fred?'
'i ever thought of what shld i be doing before i left for paradise?'
listening to best music here?
travel round e world, seeing all the manificant scenery?
tasting all e delicacies here?
but now he realised that he actually had done all these in his life
he replied
the best music - e wholeheartedly nagging of you darl
the best food- e steam fish(he was eating now) that you had just learnt to made
the best scence- seeing his family laughing together
'God has given me all these
im satisfied, im willing to leave now for heaven w/o regret'
he thought
'you cant leave me now'
'remember e promise u made ,to spend every valentine with me'
her eyes were watery, red, bloted then
'im sorry dear' he could barely spoke
' i will nvr break my promise'
by then e cancerous cells have occupy his lung
he slept quitely with a smile
14 fed ,
she receive a bouqent of flowers form a nearby florist
its was her favourite lilly..
e attach letter wrote
'by the time u read this, i will already be heaven, i always will remember the promise that
i had pact with u- to spend every valentine with u,
thought i may not be there
my soul will always be.'
p.s. the flowers will come every valentine , until u failed to open e door and receive them
with love
ideas frm some poems chinese drama
the whole chunck here abit messy but hope u all understand it @____@
e whole chunk does not flow, perhaps m rushing finishing it@_____________@
steps in front of him are limited
he tried walking backward every morning
so that he may stay here on mother earth a little longer
just a little longer(11 fed)
however that day came, he was laying on e tattered bed
barely able to open his eyes
arms, legs of his wont as light as before
he was bedridden...
his wife was there with him, accompany him for his last moment of life
they were having their last dinner
'what is your last wish fred?'
'i ever thought of what shld i be doing before i left for paradise?'
listening to best music here?
travel round e world, seeing all the manificant scenery?
tasting all e delicacies here?
but now he realised that he actually had done all these in his life
he replied
the best music - e wholeheartedly nagging of you darl
the best food- e steam fish(he was eating now) that you had just learnt to made
the best scence- seeing his family laughing together
'God has given me all these
im satisfied, im willing to leave now for heaven w/o regret'
he thought
'you cant leave me now'
'remember e promise u made ,to spend every valentine with me'
her eyes were watery, red, bloted then
'im sorry dear' he could barely spoke
' i will nvr break my promise'
by then e cancerous cells have occupy his lung
he slept quitely with a smile
14 fed ,
she receive a bouqent of flowers form a nearby florist
its was her favourite lilly..
e attach letter wrote
'by the time u read this, i will already be heaven, i always will remember the promise that
i had pact with u- to spend every valentine with u,
thought i may not be there
my soul will always be.'
p.s. the flowers will come every valentine , until u failed to open e door and receive them
with love
ideas frm some poems chinese drama
the whole chunck here abit messy but hope u all understand it @____@
e whole chunk does not flow, perhaps m rushing finishing it@_____________@
Touching story... thanks for sharing...
Anonymous, At
2:10 AM
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