BakA me
man how sway can i be :@.. was on my way cycling to east coast park.. then as expected its rain.. cox e wheather was already gloomy before i left... well jux wanna try my luck hoping tt will only pour wheni reach my destination.. wasn't tt lucky afterall.. so there i was in e middle of road when it rain.. had my umbrella in bag.. i tried balancing myself on e bike with umbrella on e other hand.. ended up swirling here and there... in e end i had to push my bike back home.... tt wsn't e end o f story yet.. it stop raining e moment i reached my house void deck... well i guess 'he' not tt bad afterall... thus i decided to set forth again.. and guess wat it rain again!(was under row of trees) darn e wheather.. and for a moment i thought 'he' was really tt good.. barr take back my words.. i decided to head back then .. it stop rainig again.. thinking back it only had rain once .. e aftermath rain is cause by those rain settle on trees leaf , and when strong wind blow against them its like rainig... =.= only thought of it when i reached home.. stupid me! my own bakaness cost me my trip there... going out for lunch with pal latta ... soon long....
Baaaakaaaa... At least i hope you enjoyed the lunch afterwards... May not have gone as well, but i'm sure the next one will be better... hehe
Anonymous, At
2:09 AM
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