I know_I know
I know its irritating of me to keep pestering my friends on stuffs like:
‘Tomorrow got lecture?’
“Need to do tutorial?”
“When is the interview test?’
“Why the equation works like that?”
“Tomorrow school start what time”
“Tutorial quiz test on what?”
These Zillion-est questions I’d kept pestering on my friend since day 1 that sometime I’d to rotate between them least they really really got irritated. -__-
All drawn down to my lack of planning and jotting down of stuffs. Do think I actually jot down my feeling and thoughts and totally ignore to jot down ‘event/s-to-happen’.
Somehow I felt it’s stupid to write those things down, and felt that I could depend on my friend on these kinds of stuffs, a thing that I ought to do myself. Perhaps I thought my brain is able to store these information without actually realizing that it was already saturated with equations/theory/calculations/derivation and stuffs, @__________@
Take care
Sometime I hope I could treat every ‘minor’ test as if they were the ‘major’ one. My revising attitude is totally different for the latter.
‘Tomorrow got lecture?’
“Need to do tutorial?”
“When is the interview test?’
“Why the equation works like that?”
“Tomorrow school start what time”
“Tutorial quiz test on what?”
These Zillion-est questions I’d kept pestering on my friend since day 1 that sometime I’d to rotate between them least they really really got irritated. -__-
All drawn down to my lack of planning and jotting down of stuffs. Do think I actually jot down my feeling and thoughts and totally ignore to jot down ‘event/s-to-happen’.
Somehow I felt it’s stupid to write those things down, and felt that I could depend on my friend on these kinds of stuffs, a thing that I ought to do myself. Perhaps I thought my brain is able to store these information without actually realizing that it was already saturated with equations/theory/calculations/derivation and stuffs, @__________@
Take care
Sometime I hope I could treat every ‘minor’ test as if they were the ‘major’ one. My revising attitude is totally different for the latter.
well... you're somewhat like a little puppy when you do ask over and over that sorta questions ^_^
Hmmm... but i guess it's nice to have people to depend on... I've always had no one else but myself to rely on whenever a pinch arises... But it's nice to know that there're people out there with a shoulder you can lean on, kai-kun ^_^ just that... one really has to rely on one's own strength when certain times arise... And God really does help only those who can first help themselves...
It's all in the mind, kai-kun... But leave nothing to fate and carve the future you desire with your bare hands, kai-kun! The most important thing when all is said and done is to not have any regrets. So aim for your goal with your maximum effort, regardless of whatever you do... Don't leave any regrets =)
Anonymous, At
1:18 PM
u really can de-moralized and encourage one easily with your words . of course i knew u mean it with all those encouragement =]
kai/kaispiral, At
8:31 PM
Quite irritating. That could go in either way.It's up to the approach you take it whether positive or negative.
Pipette, At
3:17 PM
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