‘$200.40’ the cashier counter flashed; and my jaw was like fallen a couple of steps. Then I realized that the auntie cashier happened to key the wrong ID of that item so yea the price of my item became 10 times folded! 1 uncle who was behind me was passing remark like ‘the auntie must had thought that you are rich man son la, then goes on to talk about tycoon, then Bill Gate, before ending his speech by saying who knows you will still remembered me in 20 years time’ all I did was smile and knock (nod) my head, cux I was utterly speechless and don’t know how to respond LA! After the bill was settle, I said Merry X’mas and ciao~ , he didn’t reply T_T, do think I gave him the necessary respond for his nonsensical sh@t~ poof~~ weird weird weird
For some reasons, I found it fun shopping in grocery shop; I can spend like hours turning round and round the super mart without getting bored. I can spend time reading each and every labels and stuff! Those who shopped with me will sometime get so frustrated that they give me some hints ‘hey its time to go’. On the contrary, I hate shopping for clothes! Just felt uncomfortable for some reasons. LOL!
Take care
Oh yea just heard from cal that YUI ‘thank you my teens live’ is out for grab! Think I gonna get a copy myself even though I had long watched the whole concert via Youtube @__@
if there any body part of mine that I proud of will be my eye!

does russell remind you of da seal?
For some reasons, I found it fun shopping in grocery shop; I can spend like hours turning round and round the super mart without getting bored. I can spend time reading each and every labels and stuff! Those who shopped with me will sometime get so frustrated that they give me some hints ‘hey its time to go’. On the contrary, I hate shopping for clothes! Just felt uncomfortable for some reasons. LOL!
Take care
Oh yea just heard from cal that YUI ‘thank you my teens live’ is out for grab! Think I gonna get a copy myself even though I had long watched the whole concert via Youtube @__@
if there any body part of mine that I proud of will be my eye!

does russell remind you of da seal?

Anonymous, At
12:17 AM
WT? @_____________@
it takes 10 of you to be able to bully me @____@
lame la u!
kai/kaispiral, At
10:06 AM
... you really look like a woman... almost a slut in your most recent pic... @_@
Anonymous, At
2:45 PM
O__o tt's something new! slut hmmm hmmm
**drawing circle under a mistletoe**
kai/kaispiral, At
7:10 PM
no kai kun... even though ur a woman... ur MY woman... :)
Anonymous, At
12:04 AM
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