hang out, fire rekindles>?
Yesterday catch up with uncle at Vivo city. Over there I watched the most sophisticated, abstract, chim show I had ever watched here on mother earth – The Fountain. The show used lots of flashback technique and some of ‘Bible theory’ about Adam and Eve. Uncle told me this show is classified as ‘new age’, I was like woo, ok, pretending able to comprehended the storyline as he tried to ‘enlighten” me.
Lunch was at mache. Their mascot is this cow with a sign board, and I was suggesting to him ‘how to pose with this cow’, kind of cliché actually
1) Put your head with your neck behind the cow’s butt.
2) Palms on bottoms with both of your elbow’s bend (this give the impression, 1 trying to get free from the cow @ss
3) Hang it there, till someone took the picture.
=.=, neither of us did it that day, I may though, he 100% NO!
Inside the restaurant, we were greeted with some foreign language, ‘behlsk csawe ‘
When asked, those counter ladies that dressed like milkmaid or dutchlady mascot, replied is ‘swiss’. I was like is there a language called swiss, because from what I had learned, Switzerland was divided into German, French or Italian constituents, as I guess it was either one but cannot be French (I took basic French before), ok enough of history.
Here some of the food we had
1)1/2 kampung chicken

2)forgotten whats this called, some potato, the salmon was darn saltish

3)veal sausage

4)milestone soup (superd!)

notice only dish 2 and 4 look complete, cox we each collect some dish then later share, i came back first w/o waiting for him, ops =/but of course if the diner was a gal. i will sure wait 1 la @___@.
Fire Rekindle? Fate?
Yesterday about 1230am, I was reading the newspaper (sat), 1 of the column they shown respective JCs with their top students, I was browsing through when I noticed this name “ou shaoting” from SRJC, where I had spent my first 3 months in. Somehow the name look darn familiar and it took me a moment to realize that she may perhaps be one of my classmate then!
Wanted to sent her a sms, but her contact not save on my phone, or perhaps is inside my phone but didny know which 1 is her (for those who seen my HP, most of my contacts I had given them a nickname, hence if the number not used for long, I may jolly well had forgotten the name, =.=)
Then I remembered I had their contact list on a piece of paper, made up of 2 papers, lost 1, the 1 still with me, happen to have her no, I msg her then, not expecting a reply, was 1230am then remember?
Her reply in 3 mins, (not fully constructed, summarize 3 in 1)
“Yeah it me, thanks, how life for you, wana treat me or celebrate for me ah?”(a hint?)
“ok great, enjoying holy, I try to ask some1 out too, I asked the guys, u asked the gals?”
__________________no reply afterwards______________________________
Then I sent
“worst to worst I treat you for lunch ba..”
_____________________no reply till now_______________________________
Made me wonder, had I said something wrong? When I mentioned “I try to ask some1 out too, I asked the guys, u asked the gals?”
Anyway, for the benefits of uncle of using singtel dial-up plan, hence not going to upload more videos for now, or else it takes a century for him to reach this site. Only this entry maybe!
Forgot to mentioned that, at mache, when uncle was collecting the salad, he tried to filled up as much veggie as he could on a small bowl, a mountain of veggies, and I was like @_________@
and i had finally sign up a guitar course at harkmusic, lesson start in 2 wks time =], cant w8 then, for now slack at home rotting.
Take care,
Kai ='
Lunch was at mache. Their mascot is this cow with a sign board, and I was suggesting to him ‘how to pose with this cow’, kind of cliché actually
1) Put your head with your neck behind the cow’s butt.
2) Palms on bottoms with both of your elbow’s bend (this give the impression, 1 trying to get free from the cow @ss
3) Hang it there, till someone took the picture.
=.=, neither of us did it that day, I may though, he 100% NO!
Inside the restaurant, we were greeted with some foreign language, ‘behlsk csawe ‘
When asked, those counter ladies that dressed like milkmaid or dutchlady mascot, replied is ‘swiss’. I was like is there a language called swiss, because from what I had learned, Switzerland was divided into German, French or Italian constituents, as I guess it was either one but cannot be French (I took basic French before), ok enough of history.
Here some of the food we had
1)1/2 kampung chicken

2)forgotten whats this called, some potato, the salmon was darn saltish

3)veal sausage

4)milestone soup (superd!)

notice only dish 2 and 4 look complete, cox we each collect some dish then later share, i came back first w/o waiting for him, ops =/but of course if the diner was a gal. i will sure wait 1 la @___@.
Fire Rekindle? Fate?
Yesterday about 1230am, I was reading the newspaper (sat), 1 of the column they shown respective JCs with their top students, I was browsing through when I noticed this name “ou shaoting” from SRJC, where I had spent my first 3 months in. Somehow the name look darn familiar and it took me a moment to realize that she may perhaps be one of my classmate then!
Wanted to sent her a sms, but her contact not save on my phone, or perhaps is inside my phone but didny know which 1 is her (for those who seen my HP, most of my contacts I had given them a nickname, hence if the number not used for long, I may jolly well had forgotten the name, =.=)
Then I remembered I had their contact list on a piece of paper, made up of 2 papers, lost 1, the 1 still with me, happen to have her no, I msg her then, not expecting a reply, was 1230am then remember?
Her reply in 3 mins, (not fully constructed, summarize 3 in 1)
“Yeah it me, thanks, how life for you, wana treat me or celebrate for me ah?”(a hint?)
“ok great, enjoying holy, I try to ask some1 out too, I asked the guys, u asked the gals?”
__________________no reply afterwards______________________________
Then I sent
“worst to worst I treat you for lunch ba..”
_____________________no reply till now_______________________________
Made me wonder, had I said something wrong? When I mentioned “I try to ask some1 out too, I asked the guys, u asked the gals?”
Anyway, for the benefits of uncle of using singtel dial-up plan, hence not going to upload more videos for now, or else it takes a century for him to reach this site. Only this entry maybe!
Forgot to mentioned that, at mache, when uncle was collecting the salad, he tried to filled up as much veggie as he could on a small bowl, a mountain of veggies, and I was like @_________@
and i had finally sign up a guitar course at harkmusic, lesson start in 2 wks time =], cant w8 then, for now slack at home rotting.
Take care,
Kai ='
uncle is being very uncle liao - topping up salad to mountain lor. cant u give som face to him..
i like tis post not it's talking abt uncle but it's free from ur those tuby video clip - enough of ur j pop review... unplug pls - haha.
hey, ur blog hits upto 21 posts upon 28 days of feb; 12 v clips n so much j pop pic.. data does reveal som info.. jan oni 5 n dec oni 7 - no comment. dint check on the number of comments and themes though.. trust u r well, finding ur identity perphaps
i prefer the nothing lavish... simple... tt kai. philosohical but still original la. recently too commercial liao - entertainment critic sia.
Anonymous, At
10:10 PM
run out of jucie to write ma...no inspiration source, unless a phoniex fly over a rainbow or stm like tt happen..
more ever wana share to other about those artists that i like ma(though the fact that only 20% or less i presumed appreciate =/)
soothing voice of YUI, michelle branch
full of enery and life- ZONE
etc etc
k sheeps
ani ani nice artists?
yes sir , yes sir
3 bag full
YUI, ZONE, Michelle Branch,not forgetting Youhna, 4 bags full then
sir:'tt sure gona be light'
sheep: 'mind u they are not puppet human(wool)'
sir: 'all ladies, wooot!'
can u c kai zooming in to the rescue?
this truely is ultimae lame!hahahaha
kai/kaispiral, At
10:59 PM
yo long time never comment on your blog liao, was busy recently.. anyway hor think its better to upload the pic of the food before eaten bah, those pics you uploaded got those bones all those.. lol.. hmm think that shaoting girl too lazy to jio bah, definitely not ur fault.. don worry =D
Anonymous, At
12:56 AM
Marche isn't exactly what you'd consider cheap... I would eat as much as i could if I were spending my hard-earned cash there too... And i see you've still a long, long way more to go before you master the Art of Wooing girls... hehehe... man, you sure can suck sometimes... =p Good to hear you're picking up guitar lessons too... maybe someday I'll be able to hear you play... Maybe you and your sister in a duet with you playing the guitar... XD
Anonymous, At
8:50 AM
LOl, true la quite unsightly, especailly the 'nearly botak' chicken, and the shrunk sausage! but maybe the food so nice that when i wana take the photo to place in blog, then i realised what left is what u seen! @__@
kai/kaispiral, At
12:18 PM
-Perhaps some things are just not meant
O_O,Mache isn't buffet stuff,you pay what you eat, unless u visit in the morning =/ must be the sickness getting onto you, rest well =] and get well soon.
Art of Wooing girls- is to irritate the gal first to get her attention,after that say something humour,do stm silly, then eventually together(i withness this techniquie lottas time, but nvr used it!)
guess what my sis said she wana learned piano!dad say is a heavy piece of instrument(weight and $$) to take up! @_@
kai/kaispiral, At
12:25 PM
dnt hv to catch the phoenix - u may nt find it
rmbr the coakcroahe story, money face baby, childhood song - nothing lavish...simple but philosophical though
Anonymous, At
7:26 PM
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